Saturday, October 18, 2008

68 days until Christmas!

This year I am starting my countdown a little late. I normally start at 100 days until Christmas, but this year flew by so fast I didn't even realize the joyous holiday is almost upon us. 68 days. Ahhhhh.... I love the end of the year. Thanksgiving and Christmas are my favorite holidays. For Thanksgiving it is tradition that we all go to Utah and gorge on our huge dinner with our extended family. For Christmas we stay in Idaho and my immediate family comes to us. This is one of my favorite holidays because everybody is so HAPPY! Even I am happy (which according to my friends, is a rare thing. Though I strongly question it). I also love winter; winter is my favorite season. I'm not a big fan of snow (I love to watch it falling, but I hate it once it's on the ground), but I love the cold. Out of the whole year, the ending is definitely the best!