Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
All in 24 hours' time...
An Amazing Break!
My family (Amanda, Sami, Mark, and Audree) came to Idaho and spent about a week of Christmas break with us. My brothers, Craig and Keith, spent Christmas day with us and parts of Christmas Eve. For Christmas Eve we, like everybody else, have traditions to keep. We always go to my Grandma Bassett's house and eat a huge dinner, then go downstairs for our lovely nativity play put on by the children. We make our way back upstairs into the front living room and have our "talent show". This year we had a variety of stories, singing, and I think my aunt played the violin. We went home and we all got to open our presents from Grandma Bassett. We all got comfortable pajamas, and were extremely excited to put them on! After a while we all went to bed, tired from the long day.
Christmas morning we had to wake up at six because my brother, Craig, had to work and nine that morning (and having eleven people to open presents (12 if you count millie who had two presents) it takes a while...). Sami and Mark were very tired from the night before (Audree had a hard time sleeping here) and I felt so bad for them to have to wake up that early. We all headed downstairs and sat where our stockings were on the couches. We opened up our presents and thanked our parents and family members and we were done about eight or so. My dad made breakfast and we were happy to eat :) We played with our new presents until noon when we left for my Grandma Spencer's house. We stayed there until night playing with our cousins and family members.
Amanda, Sami, Mark, and Audree left yesterday to go back home to Utah. The whole week they were here, I played with Audree and my mom said she was basically connected to my hip :) It was a lot of fun which made it sad to see them all go :(
Friday, December 19, 2008
My Skipping Report
Tomorrow is another day of seminary for that class, but I can't skip history anymore. At least not this semester. But I really want to go because they are eating and talking the whole period (Fuller's been very kind lately).
Tomorrow is a full day when it should be a half day. I think it is so stupid that they waste my time like this. We also have an assembly tomorrow that I'm not looking forward to. Pep assemblies at new schools always suck. But anyway, I am going out to lunch tomorrow with my friend Emilea and her sister Whitney. Yay! We wanted to skip since we aren't doing anything tomorrow, but we decided it would be best if we just went to school. We were hoping for a snow day but that most likely will not happen. How sad.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
My Sister Is Freakin Amazing!
Yesterday Sami asked me what my favorite Christmas symbol and colors are. I said candy canes (I said snowmen and mittens as well but candy canes are my favorite :) ) and red and silver. So I have a customized wallpaper that nobody else could possibly have. Sami also made one for Chrissie and one for Carter but I think mine's the best since it is exactly what I wanted :)
Friday, December 12, 2008
Skipping Class!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
These are the pants I got two years ago. They are so comfortable and cute! They are white with multi-colored snowflakes on them. This way I celebrate Christmas all year long :)
This is definitely my all-time favorite shirt. I have offended some people with it, but I still love it (does that sound cruel to you? Oops...). On the shirt it says 'make-up doesn't cure ugly people'. I use it as a pajama shirt and it is so comfortable. The black dots on the bottom are ink from a pen... we've been through a lot together.
This is my favorite day shirt. I think it is so pretty! It used to be Sami's but she gave it to me! I think it is such a beautiful shade of orange!
My favorite princess ever is Aurora. I think she is so beautiful and she has the best looking prince ;). She has a lovely singing voice and the story is so much fun!
My next favorite princess is Belle. I have always loved brunettes (even though I'm a blonde... sigh) and I think Belle in the movie is pretty (prettier than in her fake pictures) and she loves to read like me!
I love to read in my spare time. My number one favorite series is probably the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. It's meant for kids, but I love them! I am so excited for the fifth to come out next summer!
Since I couldn't limit my favorite books down to two series, I decided on three. These last two are in a tie for favorites though. I love the Work and the Glory. They are amazing books that kept me entertained the whole way through. I also love the Inheritance series! I didn't know what to expect at first, and they are so full of everything you can think of! I am anxiously waiting for the fourth and final book but it will probably be a long while before that comes out.
My favorite movie is, of course, a princess movie. My favorite is Sleeping Beauty. Like I said earlier, I love her voice and I love the story. This is a movie that I can watch over and over and over again!
I also really like Penelope. I think this is a fun and cute movie with a good moral. It is a family movie and this is another one that I could watch again and again.
These are just a few of my favorite things. I could go on in scents, colors, etc. but I decided this post is long enough :)
Monday, December 8, 2008
A Trip to Baker
For the past few weeks, we've been planning our trip. And this isn't an empty trip where you plan it and you never go. We WILL go on this trip. Baker is about two hours away from here when you drive, and we will take turns. We're not exactly sure how long we will be there, but Emilea has lots of friends there that would be willing to house us for a few days. We are so excited! There are certain places that Emilea said we had to visit, so those are on the list (including an ice cream parlor, her elementary school, etc.). We were talking about our trip at lunch today and I am so STOKED! THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN!!!!!
We just hope gas prices will stay down. We are already saving up, but our lives would be better if we didn't have to pay too much on gas alone. Especially since we are paying for this trip on our own :)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
So I know everything I'm getting for Christmas (well from my parents, at least): shoes, shoes, a cake turner, and pajamas! And to top it all off, Sami is going to take me shoe shopping so I get to buy more shoes!
I can't believe It's already Christmas time! Day by day this year has gone by fairly slow. When I look back at the year though, it seems to have passed in the blink of an eye. I hope everybody has a good Christmas this year
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Two Birthday Parties
I have two friends that are throwing their sweet sixteen tonight. I am so excited! The first one is for my friend Courtney. Every time she threw a party she would invite me, Sabri, Tucker, Gwen, Tyler, and Landon. They were always so much fun! We always play fun games and our favorite is the newspaper game (our favorite subject is fruit). I'm always pomegranate (Courtney's dad says pomegramanamanate), Sabri is always apple, and Tyler is always tomato. I stuck with pomegranate because hardly anybody every said it! Sabri and Tyler would always get in apple tomato fights where they would just go back and forth saying each other's fruit.
My other friend, Deryk, has her party at eight so I get to be at Courtney's for two hours. Deryk's party is a surprise! I love surprises! Her mother planned it all out for her and she e-mailed all of Deryk's friends to tell them what we were going to do. She was very vague, but I got that it was a murder mystery and that I had a part in it. The problem is, I don't really understand my part. This is what she sent me:
The part you will be playing for the mystery is a crew member on the set of the play Rapunzel. You may be a "behind the scenes" type, or an actor. Come up with your own clever name (example, the director's name is Harriet D. Rector). Be creative!
Ummm... okay. What? I don't know what I am supposed to do and the party is tonight! I can't come up with anything for my character or name. This is a lot harder than it should be :(
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Could it be any worse? Yes, yes it could
Anyway, this was my first time covering the cake with fondant. I've used fondant before to decorate a cake, but never to cover it. This was probably my number one disaster. Even though I am in fitness, I hardly have any arm muscle. The first problem was trying to evenly roll the fondant out. This picture is when I had been working on it for about half an hour.
Yeah, I know it's uneven. And very time consuming. I started on my cake right when I got home and I didn't finish until 9:25ish. I gave up for a little bit on the fondant and went for the decorations. I wanted to make a snowman to go on the front, and, of course, he had to be cute. I made a little pipe for him, but it looks like he is sticking his tongue out. It looks kinda ridiculous. I went back and tackled the fondant and it started ripping. Great. I tried to put it together again, but the cracks wouldn't go away so I just threw it on the cake. I put the snowman on and just burst into tears. I looked at my finished cake and it looked awful. I felt so embarrassed at how bad it turned out! After silently crying for half an hour in the kitchen my mom came up and tried to comfort me. It didn't do much. Just look at it and you will gasp in horror.