Saturday, March 7, 2009

Are You a Bucket Filler?

Last week my whole family (on my mom's side) got together for our monthly FHE. My grandma was in charge of the lesson and I think she shared a wonderful story. I had never heard it before, so I want to share part of it now.

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? (it isn't the full story, but it's the beginning)

When I got home I was really inspired to try to do better. To try to be kind to people, even those I don't know. On the mirror in my bedroom I wrote, "I will do something to fill someone's bucket today," as a gentle reminder. Every day so far I have smiled at somebody or talked to somebody I wouldn't normally smile at or talk to.

A couple weeks ago my young womens leader said that teenagers are just naturally concerned about themselves and only themselves. I didn't exactly agree with her at first, but boy was I wrong! Thinking about others recently really helped me see how selfish I've been, and how blessed I am to have the friends I have.

I have a little challenge for you: Ask yourself if you are always trying to be a bucket filler to everybody you see. If the answer is yes, congratulations. Keep doing what you're doing and maybe even try to do better. If the answer is no, start trying to take notice of everybody around you. It really is a blessing to be a bucket filler. As the book says, when you fill somebody else's bucket, you fill your own as well. I would very highly recommend buying the book, so you can read the full thing :)