Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Week Of School

The school I am momentarily attending is called Rocky Mountain High. It is the largest building in all of Idaho's school districts so immediately I felt lost. The first day everybody had their maps out alongside their schedules. But that is expected. Since we are on the Hybrid schedule (worst schedule in the world. Just stick with Block or Traditional, not both) everybody had their maps out for part of the second day. Other than that the school has been unexpectedly easy to figure out. So far I haven't gotten lost and I can almost always tell which hallway I am in. It is incredibly easy for being such a big building. Since the school is brand new, it is WAY behind on EVERYTHING. Normally students get their schedules at registration but we got ours on the first day. The first day!!!!! It was lame. Very lame. So it was kinda early in the morning so I quickly read over my classes but nothing registered in my brain. I read over it again, carefully this time, and I had to stop at my first class. I had Fitness. For this to make sense you have to understand that I am not physically fit in any way, shape, or form. P.E. has always been my brand of torture. Now I have Fitness (a class with very very very athletic kids) and it is the first class (very very early in the morning when I am still tired) which is a double kick in the pants. Then I looked at the rest of my classes and saw the regular: math, english, history and so on. Then I got to the end and saw Foods and Nutrition. At the time I didn't even know what it was. Only that it had something to do with food. This is another class I had not signed up for. I looked at the top of the schedule and saw my name; there was no mistake there. The classes I had signed up for were German II and Intro to Digital Photography. I guessed I wouldn't get the photography class since those are always hard to get into. But German?! It must have been full if I didn't get in. But who takes German for the second year?! Well, besides me. At Meridian High only 7 people signed up for German II. How could there possibly be so many more from Eagle High that I didn't get in? I talked to the counselors and apparently nobody has switched out of the 2 (yes, 2!) german classes at the school. I was stuck with Fitness and Foods & Nutrition. Joy. Something that really bugs me is that the block hours are 1 hour and 32 minutes. Where did the 2 extra minutes come from? At Meridian it was 90 which made perfect sense! But 32? Maybe I am just being too critical. But another thing that was stupid was they didn't hire enough teachers. Maybe there just weren't enough that applied, i don't know. But now there are at least 40 kids in every class. And some teachers have classes every period. They outrageously underestimated how many teachers to get. Anyway, school is school. Of course the first week has gone by slowly but that happens. Hopefully we can all pull through the second week.

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