Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dance Festival

So we had our first practice for the dance festival yesterday... fun fun. We are doing a country swing/line dance. That right there kinda put everybody down immediately. I have a friend in a different Stake that is doing the Salsa. I'm extremely jealous, but life goes on. Anyway, there is a website that has videos of the dances I'm going to learn. If you want to check them out, go to the blogs I read section on the right hand side of my blog and click on dance festival. The first video is to "you can't stop the beat" from Hairspray, and I am actually kinda excited about that, but I have no idea how they will get the boys to do that. The next two videos are the country crap we're doing. Yippee.

I just have to say that I am kind of mad about this whole thing. If you're going to get us to dance, have us dance. Not just two songs, we can do better than that. I think it's kinda lame that the last time they did the dance festival everybody did four dances. And if they had us do that, each Stake would get two dances. That would make me happier because then we wouldn't just have our line dance :( I don't even know why they are just teaching us two dances this year...

1 comment:

Kaylee and Kaitlin said...

Amen to that!!! I totally agree with you!